H.Sh. Matevosyan (hmatevosyan21@gmail.com), К.М. Sarafyan (sarafclub@yahoo.com ), Н.Р. Gharibyan (haykuhi-kar@mail.ru)


Waiting is pointful.

Forgetting is pointful. But not knowing which to do Is the worst kind of suffering.

Paulo Coelho- Brazilian novelist and poet

The definitions of several concepts of engineering and technical structures (interpretation, wording, etc.) are studied in the article, the necessity of the exact application of the terms dam and barrage in the operational management process is justified.

Key words: man-made emergency, danger, flood, mudslide, inundation, aquifer, hazardous effect, vulnerability, population protection, hydrotechnical structure, dam, barrage, reservoir, waterflow, operational management.

PAGES: 5-14

DOI:  10.61746/18292984-2023.2-5