M.G. Manasyan (mman@rambler.ru), H.M. Manasyan (manasyanhayk92@gmail.com)
The article presents the main features and trends of the modern settlement of the RA, as well as the existing problems, the principles and directions of the scientifically based resettlement policy for their solution and the mechanisms for their implementation. The article substantates that in the present times,during the regulation of population settlement, ensuring the safety of the border settlements and strengthening the territorial integrity of RA is of great importance. The article highlights those factors and conditions that determine the new directions of ekistic policy. On their basis, six alternative strategies and ways of their implementation are proposed.
Key words: resettlement, resettlement systems, regional center, local center, sustainable resettlement, settlement enlargement, resettlement policy, alternative strategies.
PAGES: 22-30