G.H. Kirakosyan (gagkir@yahoo.com), K.A. Avetisyan (avet.kajik@mail.ru), M.G. Potikyan (marinapotikyan@mail.ru)


In practical applications, the desired performance characteristics of systems are specified in terms of time-domain quantities. Systems with energy storage elements cannot respond instantaneously and will exhibit transient response whenever they are suddenly subjected to inputs or disturbances. This paper adopted a procedural approach to circuit analysis in arriving at the state equations of a sample complex circuit. The state equations were programmed in MATLAB to generate transient responses. The simulation results will be useful in the design of basic circuits of robots and remote control devices used in the field of emergency situations and civil defense, as well as for engineers working in this field when studying transient processes in electrical circuits.

Key words: alternating current, MATLAB, transient process, circuit, modeling.

PAGES: 131-136

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2024.2-131