Н.А. Igityan (igityanhayk@gmail.com), S.H. Bakunts (satenbakunc@yahoo.com), Н.Р. Hakobyan (hahapet@rambler.ru) , V.N. Petrosyan (petrosyan.vahe82@gmail.com), H-B. Havenith (hb.havenith@uliege.be )


During recent years especially in mountainous countries, climate change has produced new hazards
and risks. Studies have demonstrated that among other circumstances, the growing intensity of precipitation
and weather anomaly manifestations determined by climate change contribute to landslide re-activation and
increase the rate of vulnerability of settlements located in landslide-prone areas. Climate forecast scenarios
attest that in spite of general reduction of the total rate of precipitation, its intensity is growing. Therefore,
sustainable development of landslide-prone communities requires an assessment of the hazards and risks,
followed by elaboration of mitigation measures.
Raising community awareness will help prevent or reduce the flow of heavy surface water into
landslide-prone areas, deforestation, and properly organize farming on slopes, ensuring soil stability. Thus,
building local community capacity, developing disaster risk management plans and climate change adaptation
will help reduce disaster risks. The study confirmed that the introduction of a simple landslide monitoring
system played an important role in reducing disaster risk at the community level, and the training conducted
in the Hovk community was accompanied by a reduction in the number of previously registered landslide

Key words: climate change, natural disaster, sustainable development, communities, landslide,
landslide simple monitoring system.

PAGES: 125-130

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2024.2-125