H.Sh. Matevosyan (hmatevosyan21@gmail.com), Н.Р. Gharibyan (haykuhi-kar@mail.ru)


The article considers a number of definitions of the term evacuation, population protection and civil defense in emergency situations, as the main measures, in emergency situations, and substantiates the fact that evacuation planning is a complex process, as well as the existence of a number of plans for the same phenomenon with their own characteristics. The basis for identifying the characteristics are the type of threat affecting, the evacuation period, the duration of stay in a safe place, the strata and number of the evacuated population, etc. Such an analysis shows that evacuation planning cannot be carried out using a single model plan, since it is a complex process, and the planning of the evacuation process should be carried out according to the type of danger.

Key words: evacuation, emergency, population protection, civil defense, danger, dangerous area, evacuation, temporary placement, planning.

PAGES: 5-11

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2024.2-5