G.T. Manukyan (manukyan5555@mail.ru)


The economic results of each company are formed as a result of the impact of both macroeconomic
fluctuations and microeconomic factors. Ensuring stable and harmonious economic growth of the RA
economy, coping with crisis phenomena and the normal operation of companies requires the development and
implementation of anti-crisis management.
In the conditions of current uncertainty, instability, which in many cases is accompanied by the
development of the crisis, anti-crisis management mechanisms receive special attention. Challenges and
crises, being widespread, arise in any system and sector of society. Researchers and practitioners use anti-crisis management measures and methods to solve and overcome its negative phenomena. The problem of
anti-crisis management in companies stems from the nature of the economic reforms implemented in RA.
Doing business is always associated with the uncertainty of the economic situation. Overcoming crisis
phenomena with anti-crisis management methods and tools is one of the contributing factors to improving the
state of the main branches of RA industry. It is a complex problem that requires systematic methodical
development. In the presented work, the role of anti-crisis management in the real sector was studied, to
identify the modern features of the formation and development of the bankruptcy institute of the Republic of
Armenia and the reasons for the low efficiency o f rehabilitation procedures, to present the stages of anti-crisis
In the conditions of a deep systemic crisis, the economy of the country will have a significant impact on
the deterioration of the financial condition of the companies and the industry. In order to stabilize the socio-economic situation of companies, to weaken financial dependence, to increase the efficiency of operations, to
maximize the value of the company, in some cases, to avoid losses and bankruptcy, financial planning is
important. In this context, a systematic anti-crisis management program of the company is necessary, which I
think is very necessary in the companies of the leading branches of the RA industry.

Key words: anti-crisis management, bankruptcy institute, financial recovery.

PAGES: 36-42

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2024.1-46