H.Sh. Matevosyan (hmatevosyan21@gmail.com), А.А. Hayrapetyan (ahayr76@gmail.com), Н.Р. Gharibyan (haykuhi-kar@mail.ru)


The article presents the weapons used in modern wars, considers them according to the nature of the
damage, details the weapons operating on new physical principles, as well as non-traditional weapons. The
effect of the damaging factors of weapons on the change of thinking, demoralization and psychological
instability of the population is substantiated. Also mentioned are types of weapons designed to preserve
people’s lives, turning them into henchmen, doing the will of the victor.
The necessity of adopting a new civil defense strategy in the conditions of modern military operations
is considered.

Key words: management, strategy, war, civil defense, radiation weapons, infrasonic weapons,
geophysical weapons, asteroid weapons, percussion factor.

PAGES: 5-10

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2024.1-5