M.G. Manasyan (mman@rambler.ru)


The article discusses theoretical, methodological and practical issues and problems of sustainable
development o f the marzes o f the Republic of Armenia on the example of Syunik marz. The indicators that
can be used to assess the economic, social and environmental components of sustainable development and the
nature of their interrelation are identified. SWOT analysis of these components gave an opportunity to identify
and evaluate competitive advantages, opportunities and risks o f development, strengths and weaknesses of
Syunik marz. On the basis o f these components priority and primary directions of prospective development of
Syunik marz were selected.

Key words: sustainable development, settlement, regional policy, natural-resource usage, resource
availability, free economic zone, settlement system, growth poles.

PAGES: 53-63

DOI: https://cmsa.am/2024/06/06/problem-s-and-perspectives-of-sustainable-development-of-syunik-marz/