S.H. Harutyunyan (sonahogeban@gmail.com), A.A. Terteryan (terteryan.ani@gmail.com)
Universities are of strategic importance in National Defense and Disaster Risk Management (DRM).
The formation of a system for coping with the Risk of Disasters is important to increase the confrontation of
the Country from the Disasters. Disaster Risk Management is the development of “Distress Risk
Management Plans”, as a tool for the formation and distribution of Safety Culture.
These strategies can significantly aid in hazard prevention, consequence mitigation, and situational
The study o f Disaster Risk Management processes in the article is based on the DRM plan of the
Armenian State University of Economics. The plan presents the university’s DRM priorities, emphasizes the
main hazards, the most vulnerable elements, material and non-material capacities o f the University. The main
purpose o f the study is to evaluate the Disaster Risks in the University and to select the recommended
measures resulting from this. The process of effective planning and implementation of DRM is an important
part o f the university management system.
Keywords. Disasters Risk Management, Culture o f Safety, Resilience, Risk Reduction, Disaster Risk
Management Plan.
PAGES: 143-151