E.V. Muravyeva (kzn@mail.ru), A.N. Smirnova (an2000sm@gmail.com)


The use of risk indices in the formation of safety data sheets and forecasting of emergency situations is quite a promising direction in the field of disaster risk reduction. Risk analysis by the index method based on international requirements is a fairly new approach in the field of calculating the risks of emergency situations. Currently, the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is striving to refine this methodology and adapt it for the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to introduce index calculations into the practical operation of the emergency prevention and response System (RSChS), thereby reducing the risk of disasters in municipalities of the Russian Federation.

Key words: risk, forecasting, emergencies, index, indicator, territory safety data sheet, liquidation, warning.

PAGES: 143-154

DOI: 10.61746/18292984-2022.1-143