A.P. Khachatryan (armenkhachatryan62@mail.ru)
One of the factors to determin the high level of seismic risk in the city of Yerevan is the insufficient seismic resistance of residential buildings, the important characteristics of which are the quality of construction and proper operation of the building. The exclusion of residents’ “unauthorized reconstructive interventions” became a pressing security concern. In this regard, it’s very important to urgently adopt and strictly enforce the law on the prohibition of the legalization of unauthorized buildings and redevelopment of residential premises. This article discusses the problems of seismic risk reduction associated with massive violations of the internal and external structural proportions of multi-storey residential buildings carried out by the population, and indicates ways to eliminate these violations.
Key words: seismic risk, seismic resistance, reduction of seismic vulnerability, constructive proportions, residential area, unauthorized construction.
PAGES: 87-92