G.H. Kirakosyan (gagkir@yahoo.com), K.A. Avetisyan (avet.kajik@mail.ru), V.S. Melkonyan (vahagn.melkonianprog@gmail.com), A.G. Poghosyan (arevpoghosyan@mail.ru), M.G. Potikyan (marinapotikyan@mail.ru)
When designing a feedback control system, the key issue is to ensure its stability. The stability of a feedback system is directly related to the location of the roots of its characteristic equation. The rules that allow to determine whether the system is stable or not without calculating the roots of the characteristic equation are important. In this paper, a very useful method of stability analysis is considered, known as the Routh method. This method is most simply explained by the Table he proposed. The tracked robot control system is stable when all elements of the first column of the Routh Table are positive. If there is at least one negative element in the first column, then the system is unstable. The stable region for the microprocessor system of a tracked robot was also found using the Simulink model. Within the framework of this study, the movement of the robot in a circle (1st trajectory) and uniform rectilinear movement (2nd trajectory) were considered. The steady-state error is calculated for both the 1st trajectory and the 2nd one. It is shown that the steady-state error for the 1st trajectory is equal to zero, i.e. the tracked robot accurately tracks the given input signal. It is shown that the steady-state error for the 2nd trajectory does not exceed 24% of the value of the linear input signal. A microprocessor system has been developed to control the movement of a tracked robot, where the adjustable parameters are K and a. To obtain a numerical result in modeling the stability of a tracked robot, the MATLAB package was used.
Key words: tracked robot, stability, Routh array, characteristic equation, transfer function, feedback, Heaviside function, script.
PAGES: 64-71