Educator and Researcher,

PhD in Economics,

Doctor of Sociological Sciences








+374 98336303



Armenia, 1201, Gegharkunik Marz, Gavar, 1 Building

(Gavar region)







English B1










·         Leningrad Institute of Light and Textile Industry named after S.M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1985

·         Institute of Finance and Economics named after                                    N.A. Voznesenski, Leningrad, 1990

·         Full-time postgraduate course, Department of Sociology of Labor and Personnel Management, Voznesenski Financial and Economic Institute, 1995

·         Doctoral studies, Department of Labor Sociology and Personnel Management, St. Petersburg State University of Finance and Economics, 2008



Academic positions:

·         Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Enterprise Management, St. Petersburg State Correspondence Technical University, 1995

·         Professor, Department of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, 2008-2019

·         Head of the Department of Theory and History of Sociology, Yerevan State University, 2012

·         Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Armenian State Pedagogical University named after                           Kh. Abovyan, 2016-2019

·         Professor of Gavar State University, 2013 –




    ·         Member of the International Association of University Professors

·         Honorary member of the international public association «International Association «Generals of the World for Peace»

·         Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Humanism Problems


  • «Hovhaness Tumanyan as a symbol of the poetry of the Armenian people», International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of H. Tumanyan, May 15-16, 2019, Yerevan Northern University, Armenia
  • «Ethno-cultural characteristics of the Yezidis in Armenia: a sociological analysis» International Scientific Conference «V Gottlieb Readings: Oriental and Regional Studies of the Asia-Pacific Region in the Mainstream of Transdisciplinary Regionology», October 19-20, 2021, Irkutsk, Russia
  • «Environmental safety of Armenian hydroelectric power station in new conditions» International Scientific Conference «Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering CONMECHYDRO», 3-4 November, 2021, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation & Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • «Asatryan Grigory Yegorovich — the great humanist and philosopher of our time» International Interdisciplinary Round Table «Problems of Humanism in the Modern World» Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan”, November 18, 2021, Yerevan, Armenia
  • «Globalization in the context of humanism», International Round table «Ensuring human rights and democratic processes in the context of globalization-de-globalization», February 4, 2021, Yerevan branch of the PRUE, Yerevan, Armenia
  • «Russia and Armenia together forever», International Scientific forum «Friendship and cooperation between Russia and Armenia: history and modernity», April 28, 2021, Yerevan branch of the PRUE. Yerevan, Armenia







Author of over 150 scientific papers and publications

·         Economic sociology [Text]: textbook / A. K. Saakyan; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State educational institution higher. prof. education «St. Petersburg State. Engineering and Economic University». St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2011

·         Economics and Sociology of Labor: Textbook. allowance /                 A.K. Saakyan. SPb.: Peter [et al.], 2002

·         The value of labor and labor motivation in a transitional economy / A. K. Saakyan; Feder. Education Agency, State. educated. institution of higher. prof. Education                                       «St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance».

·         St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 2005

·         Personnel management in the organization: Textbook. manual for university students / A. K. Saakyan, G. G. Zaitsev, N. V. Lashmanova, N. V. Diaghilev. M. [et al.]: Peter, 2002 (OJSC Type. Truth)

·         Satisfaction of needs as a socio-economic problem /                             А.К. Saakyan; Federal Agency for Education, State educational institution higher. prof. Education «St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance». St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the St. Petersburg state. University of Economics and Finance, 2006

·         Social patterns of formation and development of relations of hired labor: dissertation … Doctor of Sociological Sciences: 22.00.03 / Saakyan Armen Kolyaevich; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg. University of Economics and Finance]. Saint Petersburg, 2007

·         The attitude of the labor collective to the change in the form of ownership of a state enterprise: (On the example of sociological research in the collective of the State Enterprise «Gorelektrotrans»): abstract dis. … candidate of economic sciences: 22.00.03 / St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. Saint Petersburg, 1995

·         New economic sociology and sociodynamics of relations                      of hired labor [Text]: monograph / A.K. Saakyan,                                    S.I. Faibushevich; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State budgetary educational institution higher. prof. education «St. Petersburg State. Engineering and Economic University». St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2011

·         The role of religion in the fate of Armenian People Religia w społecznym kontekście: Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa SEKCJA SOCJOLOGII RELIGII SEKCJA SOCJOLOGII ETNICZNOŚCI etniczność kultura-struktura z udziałem gości zagranicznych 7-8 czerwca 2018 r.,Olsztyn, -8p.

·         A.K. Saakyan, A.S. Petrosyan Higher education as a factor providing the social mobility of young people (on the example of Armenian young people), Higher Education Policy, 2019.-12p.

·         A.K. Saakyan, M.Z. Tadevosyan, A.S. Petrosyan Sociological analysis of spirituality in the postmodern society. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw,2019.-10p.

·         Influence of Media on the Tourism Sector of the Republic of Armenia during the COVID-19 Pandemic A.K. Saakyan,

·         I.A. Saakyan Zatruta studnia Media w czasach pandemii COVID-19 Redakcja Naukowa Komunikacja Społeczna — Komunikacja — Medialna komunikacja Sieci, Toruń, 2021, p.363-375

·         A.K. Saakyan, G.S. Mkoyan Sociocultural values ​​by scientific theories of P. Sorokin and D. Anhakht. International Scientific conference «Sorokin Readings 2018», dedicated to the topic «Social injustice in the sociological dimension: challenges of the modern world»: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, RF, 2018 — 6 p.

·         The values ​​of labor behavior of modern youth: Trends in the development of practical sociology and psychology // Materials of the Armenian — Russian international scientific conference. — ASPU, Yerevan, 2017-129c.

·         A.K. Saakyan, O.V. Rodionov Dynamics of knowledge, qualifications and competencies in the structure of human capital. «Scientific thought» (RSCI) No. 2 (28), 2018г․-9p.



  • economic sociology, sociology of management, personnel management, national and cultural determinants of labor behavior, sociology of history
  • migration policy, sociology of tourism, sociology of youth
  • ethnocultural autonomy: traditions and modernity, linguo-cultural concepts, ethno-cultural codes
  • mass media discourse, multimodality